What are some fitness and nutrition hacks to build muscle fast?

What are some fitness and nutrition hacks to build muscle fast? Adding protein to diet will make a huge difference. You should shoot for a goal of .75 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. So, if you weigh 175lbs, you need to eat about 130 grams of protein from red meat, eggs, chicken, fish and turkey. I am more of a fan focusing on actual food than trying to get your protein from shakes


To get bigger you need to focus on compound lifts and spend less time on machines. Great compound lifts are the squat, deadlift, farmers walk, pull ups, dips, lunges and push ups. Focus on form in the early stages instead of weight to keep injuries down and recruiting the proper muscles. I would recommend starting out with 3 days a week for a month like a Monday, Wednesday and Friday routine to make sure you are recovering from the previous workout and slowly increase days from there.

people working out in a group fitness class


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